

Celebrating 50 Years

We celebrate Fifty to recognize our past, celebrate our present, and to build our future. It is in that spirit that we invite you to participate in this year long celebration. Attend events, check out the links on this website, reconnect with classmates or simply take a moment to think about what Akiba Academy has meant to you!

Our new 50th anniversary website features many great ways to join in this unique experience including the following:

  • AnEvents Calendar page — to keep you apprised of upcoming 50th anniversary events scheduled throughout the coming year.
  • A “Photo Timeline page — exhibiting over 100+ memorable photos from every decade of Akiba’s illustrious past.
  • An E-post card” page — where you can select historical e-post cards to personalize & share memories & salutations
  • A “Share the Memories” page – where you can share a thought, memory or meaning­ful story about how Akiba has impacted you during our 50 years.
  • A “Photos Share” page – where you can upload your favorite photos of your time at Akiba to share with your fellow alumni.
  • A ‘Historical Videos” page — where you can view past footage from old Akiba videos.
  • An “Alumni Facebook–page where you can connect with Akiba Alumni past and present.

This celebration is about our institution, the people that make it the special place it is, and our hopes for the future.

There is no better time for a celebration than now!

Visit our Alumni Facebook page and connect with friends past and present.